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Field Trips

Every August, a new field trip schedule is posted on our webpage. The trips are subject to change, some trips cancelled, others are added. Detailed information about each trip can be found on this page.  On all field trips please observe the Code of Birding Ethics.​

​Field Trip Checklist​

  • Comfortable shoes or hiking boots and a hat.

  • Drinking water, snacks and lunch.

  • Binoculars, spotting scope and field guide.

  • Full fuel tank

  • To email a trip leader simply click on the leader's name at the top of the field trip description

  • Minors will not be allowed on field trips unless accompanied by a parent or a teacher/advisor with appropriate parent permission slips


    All participants must sign a liability waiver. You may print one out ahead of time and bring it with you, or the trip leader will have forms available on site.


T. Benson


T. Benson

Ferruginous Hawk

Trip Chairman Gene Cardiff


B. Singer

Clark's Nutcracker

For more detailed information on the trips below, contact the leader at the telephone listed or email

Summer Tanager, South Padre Island, Texas.JPG
2016_TBD 600.JPG




Saturday, August 24, 2024

SBVAS Pelagic Trip – Dana Point

7:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Leaders: Tom Benson, Curtis Marantz, Robert McNab, Brittany O’Connor, and Brad Singer

SBVAS is sponsoring a 9-hour pelagic trip to the nearshore waters between Dana Point and Catalina Island on Sunday, August 24, 2024. We will be departing from Dana Point aboard the R/V Sea Explorer at 7:00 AM and returning at 4:00 PM. Our tentative plan will be to travel southwest to Crespi Knoll, then northwest along the ridge southeast of Catalina Island, and then

return to Dana Point with a stop at Lausen Sea Mount if time allows. We will be splitting our time between Orange and Los Angeles County waters. We have a reasonable probability of seeing the following sought-after pelagic species on this trip: Black, Leach’s, Least, and Ashy Storm- Petrels, Long-tailed Jaeger, Craveri's Murrelet, Sabine’s Gull, and Arctic Tern. Additionally, it is a good time of year to find rarer species such as Black-footed Albatross, Red-billed Tropicbird, South Polar Skua, Townsend's Storm-Petrel, and any number of boobies. The cost for the trip is $120 per person. To reserve a space on the trip, email me (see below) with your name and phone number, the number of spaces you want to reserve, and the names of those in your party.

The Sea Explorer is a 65-foot research vessel with plenty of standing room, bench seating on both the upper and lower decks, and an interior salon with limited seating. There is no galley on board, so you should bring your own lunch for this 9-hour excursion. Weather at sea is often cool relative to the mainland, and can be unpredictable. It is recommended that you dress in

layers including a light rain jacket for potential sea spray (or even rain). A hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen are also essential. Bring your binoculars and cameras, but leave your spotting scopes at home. There are a number of over-the-counter preventative seasickness treatments available; consult with your doctor if you think you will need them. They are most effective when taken before you get on the boat; do not wait until you are sick. If you have any questions regarding the trip, please contact Tom Benson:



Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 7:30 am

Mojave Narrows Regional Park

Leader: Steve Myers (951) 616-7578

Mojave Narrows Regional Park in Victorville has long been considered one of the biological jewels of the Mojave Desert. The park contains extensive cottonwood-willow forest that is home to species such as Summer Tanager, Yellow-breasted Chat, Yellow Warbler, Blue Grosbeak, Bell’s Vireo, and scores of other species. The park is host to 4-5 pairs of nesting Vermilion Flycatchers. This trip will focus on fall migrants, and in addition to the forest, we will bird the two fishing lakes, open fields, and the large marsh in the park. Time permitting, we may also visit nearby Spring Valley Lake and the pond at Victor Valley College. The park opens at 7:30, and we will meet at the old silos, which can be reached by going straight after you enter the park (you can’t miss them). There is a per car entry fee into the park.

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, September 27, 28,29,30, 2024  7:30 am
Northern Baja California, Mexico
Brad Singer (909) 936-5087/

This brief trip to the wonders of the Northern Baja will highlight the vast bird variety and abundance in areas of both high population density and large expanses of open terrain. We will bird the coastline from Ensenada to San Quintin, the mountains of Sierra de San Pedro Mártir National Park, and the deserts of the Lower Colorado River Basin. The endemic Gray Thrasher will be on the hit list along with many other coastal shrub, shoreline, montane and desert species. If interested, please email me at the above address and I can send you a detailed itinerary. Passport is necessary. Group size is limited.

Saturday, October 12, 2024 - 8:00 am

Bearpaw Ranch

Leader: Tony Metcalf (951) 242-7038

This is a beautiful spot and very accessible from the Riverside/San Bernardino area so we expect to see a lot of you there. Birding in the area will be led by Tony Metcalf. To really enjoy the day, bring binoculars, sturdy shoes, water and maybe a jacket for the mountains, depending on the weather, and don't forget a lunch if you are planning to stay for awhile. Again, all are welcome. 

Saturday, October 19, 2024 - 8 a.m.

High Desert Field Trip

Leader: Dori Myers (714) 336-1420 and Gene Cardiff

Meet at 8 a.m., at Covington Park, on Park Ave., in Morongo Valley. We will spend the morning in the park and surrounding area and then travel stopping on the way at various parks and venues looking for migrants and resident species.  We will probably end the day, at sunset, in Twenty-nine Palms.  Bring a lunch, snacks, water and all birding essentials including a scope if you have one.  

Sunday, November 17, 2024 - 7:00 am

Northern San Jacinto Valley

Leader: Tony Metcalf (951) 242-7038 

Ah, cooler weather. Wintering birds of prey and waterfowl, coastal sage scrub and wetlands, all close by. Please join us for our fall field trip to the northern San Jacinto Valley. We have two goals for this trip. First is to have fun. Second, is to see 100 species. We always accomplish the first goal and have come very close to the second. Maybe this is the year. The northern San Jacinto Valley is known for its high species diversity. We have ranked highest in number of bird species seen for inland areas in North America for Audubon's Christmas Bird Counts, and are usually in the top 1-2% for all counts. At the heart of the region is the public San Jacinto Wildlife Area.We will meet at the parking lot at the gates of the San Jacinto Wildlife Area. From Riverside go south on 215 then east on Ramona, then north on Davis road three miles to parking lot. From Hemet, go west on Ramona to Davis road. From Redlands, go east on 10,  then south on 215, then east on 60 or go south on Redlands Blvd, east on 60, East on Gilman springs, south on Bridge Street, west on Ramona and north on Davis road.  As Davis is a dirt road, it is not recommended if there have been recent rains. The dirt roads are too dangerous for normal travel when wet. You can call or e-mail Tony Metcalf or the San Jacinto Wildlife Area headquarters (951-654-0580) for updated road info to the Wildlife Area.


Sunday, December 1, 2024 - 8:00-10:00 am

Beginning Bird Walk: Palm Springs, Demuth Park

Leader: David Rankin,

For those of you who are just beginning the wonderful pastime of bird watching, please join us for a fun, slow-paced morning of birding in one of our local parks. Our goal will be to teach you enough basic birding techniques and identification skills so that you will feel comfortable birding on your own or joining our longer birding trips throughout the year. We will introduce you to some of our local bird species. You may be surprised at what wonderful birds can be seen! Wear comfortable walking shoes, hats and sunscreen and bring water and binoculars. Everyone is welcome.  Meet at 8 am at the parking lot near the tennis courts on E. Mesquite Blvd. near Vella Road.​


Saturday, December 7, 2024 - 8:00 am

Barstow, Newberry Springs, Hinkley

Leader: Dori Myers (714) 336-1420 and Gene Cardiff  

We will look for wintering birds in various areas in Barstow, Newberry Springs and Hinkley. We will search alfalfa fields, poles and ponds, with a particular interest in birds of pray. We will meet at the Denny’s on Lenwood Road in Barstow at 7:00am for breakfast or in their parking lot at 8:00am after breakfast. To get there, take the I-15 north to Barstow and exit right at the Lenwood Road offramp.  Denny's will be on the right hand side.  Bring a lunch, water, snacks, and warm cloths, because summer may be over by then. Please make certain you have enough gas.  Plan to spend the day driving and searching for wintering hawks and any other flying feathered beastie.  Call Dori ,at the number above, if you have questions.

Cancelled due to Fire

Sunday, January 5, 2025- 8:00-10:00 am

Beginning Bird Walk, Riverside, Fairmount Park

Leader: TBA

Winter at Fairmount Park is a wonderful time to learn about ducks and winter residents in the Riverside area. Join our leader as he leads a short walk around the park's verdant grounds and lakes.  Meet at the main parking lot off of Locust St. (33°59'42.2", 117°22'20.4") at 8 am.

Saturday, January 11, 2025- 8:00 am

Malibu Lagoon to Point Mugu

Leader: Dori Myers (714) 336-1420 and Gene Cardiff

Malibu is always a special place to visit.  Meet at the entrance to the Malibu Pier at 8:00 AM, after breakfast.  Try to park along the highway on the beach side up a little and across from the Jack In the Box.  We will bird the pier and lagoon area in the morning and have lunch on the beach and then we will drive up the coast making several stops along the way.   Be prepared for cool to cold conditions on the pier and hope that it warms during the day.  We should stay to see the sunset so dress in layers, bring water and lots of snacks and a lunch. A spotting scope would be useful.


Saturday, February 1, 2025 - 7:00 am

Salton Sea Goose & Crane Trip

Leader: Tom Benson (909) 648-0899

This trip at times has been called the “waterfowl trip”, the “goose trip”, and a “wonderful field trip.” It is all of those and more. We usually tally over 100 species. We will make an effort to see regional specialties including Snow Goose, Ross’s Goose, Sandhill Crane, Mountain Plover, Stilt Sandpiper, and Burrowing Owl. We will meet at 7:00 am behind the Del Taco in the Mecca Travel Center at 66th Avenue and the 86 Expressway. We will work south from Mecca on Highway 111 to North Shore, Salton Sea State Recreation Area (SRA), toward Brawley, and our eventual terminus at Unit 1 Salton Sea NWR. Please bring your California State Parks pass or $5 for parking at the SRA.

Saturday, February 1, 2025 - 7:30 am

Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve Field Trip

Leader: Charity Hagen

The Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve in Murrieta is a haven for bird life at the southern end of the Santa Ana Mountains.  With it's multiple habitats of Oak and Sycamore riparian woodlands, Chapparal, rare Bunchgrass Prairie, and ephemeral Vernal Pools, it is a great place to see birds of multiple habitats in one location.  This trip takes place during the winter months when the diversity of birds is the highest, with resident species joined by wintering birds such as sparrows, raptors, and woodpeckers.  The Reserve is well known as a reliable location to see Lewis's Woodpeckers.  With any luck, winter rains will fill the vernal pools, which can be full of ducks and shorebirds of many species.  The trip will begin at 7:30 at the Visitor Center, which is 4 miles west of Interstate 15 on Clinton Keith Rd., in the city of Murrieta.  There is a $4 per person fee to access the preserve, payable at the trailhead or visitor center.  Plan on a walk up to 2-3 miles on some uneven terrain.  Depending on conditions and other factors such as water in the vernal pools, we may drive to other access points on the Reserve, but the trip will begin at the Visitor Center.  Bring good walking/hiking shoes, a jacket, and snacks and water.  Heavy rain prior to the trip will likely cancel, contact the trip leader at the phone number listed if the weather has been bad for updates on the trip.  

Sunday, February 9, 2025

San Jacinto Valley and Lake Perris

Leader: Tony Metcalf (951) 242-7038

The San Jacinto Wildlife Area (SJWA) and the San Jacinto Valley have lots of birds all year. SBVAS leads a Fall trip, a Spring trip, and now a Winter trip to this remarkable birding hotspot.   In addition to the high number of resident species, overwintering birds and the occasional spectacular occurrence, the diversity and number of birds of prey and gulls peak after the new year. So join us on a fairly intense but unstructured day. We will certainly cover the SJWA and adjacent lands, and we may go to Lake Perris and …well, who knows. We will meet at 7:00 AM at the San Jacinto Wildlife Area entrance.


Saturday March 8, 2025 - 8:00 am

Lake Skinner County Park Field Trip

Leader: Charity Hagen 

Lake Skinner County Park is an oasis for birds.  In the many wild and manicured areas of the park, birders can expect to see a wide range of birds.  The park contains oak woodlands, Riversidian sage scrub, riparian areas, exotic trees and shrubs, and a reservoir.  This combination of habitats has attracted well over 200 species to the park.  The reservoir is an important wintering ground for species such as Common Goldeneye, Common Loon, Bald Eagle, and multiple other duck and grebe species.  In the riparian areas and manicured trees of the park, many wintering passerine species can be found, with such notable birds as sapsuckers, thrushes, multiple sparrow species, and the occasional wintering eastern warbler.  On this field trip we will scour the many different habitats and multiple shoreline access points to find as many of these birds as possible. In early spring expect to see lingering winter visitors mixed with early arrival breeders such as orioles, along with year round residents such as Acorn Woodpecker and California Gnatcatcher.   Expect to see from 50-70 species during the field trip, with rarities always a possibility.  Most areas can be accessed by vehicle, but be prepared to walk up to a mile in search of the best birding locations. 

Meet at 8 am at the Alamos Schoolhouse Nature Center just inside the park entrance.  There is a $6 per person fee to access the park.

Saturday, March 15, 2025 - 8:00 am

Bolsa Chica & Orange County Coast

Leader: Dori Myers (714) 779-2201 (h) or (714) 336-1420 (m)

Please join us for what should be a great day of birding in the wetland areas of Orange County. Expect to see a large variety of wintering birds including ducks, shorebirds, grebes, herons, egrets, terns, cormorants, etc. We ought to find gulls and raptors and some song birds. With any luck we will see 50 or more species just in the morning. After birding Bolsa Chica (until around noon) we will go to Newport Back Bay or the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary to eat our lunch and finish the day.  We will meet at the PCH parking lot of Bolsa Chica at 8:00 am. To reach Bolsa Chica, take the 91 freeway south to the 55 (Newport freeway). Continue on the 55 to the 405 and go north towards Long Beach. Exit at Beach Blvd. (south) and continue to Pacific Coast Highway. Turn right and head north on PCH, past Huntington Beach. We will meet in the parking lot of the Ecological Preserve (Bolsa Chica) on the inland side of Pacific Coast Hwy at the signal between Seagate and Warner. Please bring a lunch if you intend to stay for the day. Also bring binoculars, bird book and a scope if you have one. It can get cold along the coast in winter so dress in layers.​


Saturday, April 19, 2025, Sunday, April 20, 2025

8:00 am and 7:30 am

Salton Sea Shorebirds, San Jacinto Wildlife Area

Leaders: Tony Metcalf (951) 242-7038, David Rankin:

Hey shore-birders and April migrant lovers, join David Rankin (619-869-3952) and Tony Metcalf (951-347-7710) for a two day birding extravaganza at the north end of the Salton Sea (Saturday) and the San Jacinto Wildlife Area (Sunday). We will focus primarily on shorebirds, contrasting mid-April shorebird diversity at the Salton Sea with inland coastal shorebird diversity at the San Jacinto Wildlife Area and Mystic Lake. (Of course we look at everything from gulls to passerines!!). On Saturday (April 20) we will meet at 8 AM at the infamous Arco Station in Mecca (66 th Ave and HWY 86), and on Sunday (April 21) meet at the gates of the San Jacinto Wildlife Area at 7:30 AM. You can join us for one or both days. Bring drinks, snacks, lunch etc. And we recommend rubber boots for the barnacle beaches at the NESS and goopy Mystic Lake Shoreline.

Saturday, April 26, 2025 

7:00 am

Big Morongo Preserve

Leader: Matt Grube (909) 253-3867

The last week of April is about the best time for observing migrant land birds in Southern California and Big Morongo is one of the best places for it. In addition to migrant warblers, vireos and flycatchers, we expect to see the breeding specialities including Vermilion Flycatcher, Yellow-breasted Chat, Summer Tanager, Brown-crested Flycatcher, Bullock’s Oriole and Hooded Oriole.  Join us for a morning birdwalk on the trails and roads of the preserve and surrounding areas. We will meet at Covington Park at 7:00 am. To get there, take I-10 to Highway 62, go north ten miles to Morongo Valley, then turn right on Park Avenue to Covington Park.  Weather is typically good this time of year. Bring water, snacks and lunch if you plan to make a day of it. Some of us will probably stay out all day. Who knows where the afternoon will lead us?​

​Saturday, May 3, 2025

8:00 am

Whitewater Canyon 

Leader: Steve Myers (951) 616-7578

Portions of Whitewater Canyon have long been more or less closed to public access, but the former trout farm is now the "Whitewater Canyon Preserve," managed by The Wildlands Conservancy. If you visited the trout farm in the past, you will not know the place now. Most of the facilities have been removed, and habitat restoration is under way. Riparian and desert scrub habitats should be teaming with birds on this trip. The canyon hosts nesting Summer Tanagers and Brown-crested Flycatchers, and migrants should be easy to find. In addition to the Preserve, we may visit Bonnie Bell, a small community in the canyon that contains excellent cottonwood and willow forest and woodland, somewhat reminiscent of Big Morongo. Meet at the Whitewater Canyon Preserve at 8:00 am. To reach the Preserve, go east on I-10, past the turn-off for Highway 111, and take the Whitewater exit. Turn left, pass over I-10, and watch for Whitewater Canyon Road on your left. The Preserve is at the end of Whitewater Canyon Road, approximately 5 miles north of I-10. Bring sturdy footwear, water, lunch, and the usual essentials.


​Saturday, May 10, 2025 9:00 am

Baby Birds at Bearpaw Ranch

Leader: Cin Greyraven (909) 794-0509

Join us for a trip into the hidden world of nesting birds at Bearpaw Nature Sanctuary in Forest Falls (map). Biologist Cin Greyraven will lead the group in its search for evidence of breeding behavior in the common birds of the chaparral and forest. Since 1994, Bearpaw Sanctuary has been part of the National Nest Box Trail system, offering homes to Western Bluebirds, Oak Titmice, House Wrens, Mountain Chickadees, and Ash-throated Flycatchers. Learn what types of nest boxes work best and how monitoring data by average citizens across the continent can contribute to scientific research. Learn how to monitor a nest box without disturbing the nesting effort. Enjoy a peek inside the usually inaccessible world of cavity nesters, and learn to recognize different species by their nests, eggs, and chicks. Bring binoculars for long-distance viewing and cameras for close-up snapshots. Children are welcome. For additional information, call (909) 794-0509.

Saturday, May 17, 2025 7:30 am

San Jacinto Mountains

Leader: Robin Roberts 770-856-4826.

The San Jacinto Mountains field trip will meet at the Lake Fulmor parking area on State Route 243 at 7:30am. From there we'll spend the day birding various places in the San Jacinto Mountains, looking for specialties like White-headed Woodpecker, Pinyon Jay, Mountain Quail, Williamson's Sapsucker and Red Crossbill We'll also stop at Lake Hemet to see what waterbirds (and maybe Purple Martins) are around, then end the trip in the Garner Valley. Bring sturdy shoes, a lunch/snacks and water. An Adventure Pass will be needed for some locations, so please purchase one ahead of time. 

Saturday, May 31, 2025 7:00 am

San Bernardino Mountains 

Leader: Brad Singer (909) 936-5087/

The San Bernardino Mountains trip will meet outside the Starbuck's located in the Von's shopping center on Big Bear Blvd. and Sandalwood Drive at 7:00 am. We will spend the morning at Cactus Flats and Arrastre Creek where expected species include Black-chinned Sparrow, Green-tailed Towhee, Lazuli Bunting, Scott's Oriole, and Mountain Quail. We will also search for Hepatic Tanager, Indigo Bunting, Calliope Hummingbird, Plumbeous Vireo, Gray Vireo, and Pinyon Jay. About midday we'll bird around Big Bear Lake in search of any lingering shorebirds, terns, and raptors, and then spend the afternoon up either at Bluff Lake or Wildhorse Meadows in search of Williamson's Sapsucker, Dusky Flycatcher, Cassin's Finch, Townsend's Solitaire, and Clark's Nutcracker.  Expect a long day, bring plenty of water, lunch, and sturdy hiking shoes. A vehicle with high clearance is recommended but not required.


​Saturday, June 7, Sunday, June 8, 2025. 7:00 AM

Sierra Eastside Birding

Leader: Brad Singer (909) 936-5087/

The eastside of the Sierra's offer not only a delightful birding experience, but spectacular scenery as well.  Come join us as we pursue scrub, sagebrush and montane birds in a variety of settings.  On Saturday, we will cover the Owen's Valley, starting in Lone Pine and finishing in Bishop exploring an array of side canyons along the way.  Sunday we will drive up towards Mammoth and bird from Crowley Lake to Mono Lake. The bird list is long, but possibilites include both Sagebrush and Sooty Grouse, Clark's Nutcracker, Calliope Hummingbird, Black-backed and Williamson's Sapsucker, Pine Grosbeak, Evening Grosbeak, Sagebrush Sparrow, Sage Thrasher, Woodhouse's Scrub Jay, and Common Nighthawk.  We will meet Saturday morning at 7 am at the Eastern Sierra Visitor Center at the corner of Hwy 395 and 136 in Lone Pine.  Plan on spending Saturday evening in Bishop.  Group size is limited.

Saturday, June 14, 2025 8:00AM

Wrightwood & Blue Ridge

Gene Cardiff  & Dori Myers  714 336-1420 M

The San Gabriel Mountains trip will start at the California Department of Forestry Mormon Rocks Station on Highway 138 at 8:00 am. Take I-15 north from San Bernardino or south from the Victor Valley and turn toward Palmdale on Highway 138. The CDF Station is located 1.5 miles up Hwy 138 on the left side of the road, opposite the large sandstone formation called the Mormon Rocks. (There are no restrooms at the CDF Station, use the restrooms at the gas stations near the off ramp.) After birding that area for 30-45 minutes, we will proceed up Lone Pine Canyon Rd into Wrightwood to Big Pines and eventually wind up at 8000 feet and Blue Ridge Campground for lunch.  Bring a lunch, liquids and a good pair of shoes. We will look for mountain birds such as the Fox Sparrow, Green-tailed Towhee, Dusky Flycatcher, and Williamson's Sapsucker. Please don’t forget: you will need an Adventure Pass  and sometimes you can’t buy one up the hill, so please plan ahead.​

Cancelled due to Fire

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